Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta Desenho/Pintura (La Valletta). Mostrar todas as mensagens
Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta Desenho/Pintura (La Valletta). Mostrar todas as mensagens

domingo, 23 de fevereiro de 2020

Malta - La Valletta - MUŻA-The Malta National Community Art Museum - Pintura "Lamentation over the dead Abel"

Malta - La Valletta - MUŻA-The Malta National Community Art Museum - Pintura "The parable of the Good Samaritan"

Malta - La Valletta - MUŻA-The Malta National Community Art Museum - Pintura "The beheading of St John the Baptist

Malta - La Valletta - MUŻA-The Malta National Community Art Museum - Pintura "Martyrdom of St Agatha"

Malta - La Valletta - MUŻA-The Malta National Community Art Museum - Pintura "Judith and Holphernes"

Malta - La Valletta - MUŻA-The Malta National Community Art Museum - Pintura "Abel and Cain"

Malta - La Valletta - MUŻA-The Malta National Community Art Museum - Pintura "Madonna and Child with infant St john"

Malta - La Valletta - MUŻA-The Malta National Community Art Museum - Pintura "Madonna and Child"

Malta - La Valletta - MUŻA-The Malta National Community Art Museum - Pintura

Malta - La Valletta - MUŻA-The Malta National Community Art Museum - Pintura "Still life"

Malta - La Valletta - MUŻA-The Malta National Community Art Museum - Pintura "Pastoral Scene"

Malta - La Valletta - MUŻA-The Malta National Community Art Museum - Pintura "St Margaret of Cortona"

Malta - La Valletta - MUŻA-The Malta National Community Art Museum - Pintura "St Jerome"

Malta - La Valletta - MUŻA-The Malta National Community Art Museum - Pintura "Landscape with bandits"

Malta - La Valletta - MUŻA-The Malta National Community Art Museum - Pintura "Portrait of a woman"

Malta - La Valletta - MUŻA-The Malta National Community Art Museum - Pintura "pastoral scene"

Malta - La Valletta - MUŻA-The Malta National Community Art Museum - Pintura "pastoral scene"

Malta - La Valletta - MUŻA-The Malta National Community Art Museum - Pintura "Portrai t of Vincenzo Bonello - First curator of the Fine Arts Section"

Malta - La Valletta - MUŻA-The Malta National Community Art Museum - Pintura "Landscape with figures"

Malta - La Valletta - MUŻA-The Malta National Community Art Museum - Pintura "A beggar"