
quarta-feira, 27 de março de 2013

Portugal - São Bartolomeu de Messines - Casa Museu João de Deus

12 comentários:

  1. Hello.
    Thank you to visit my blog.
    I enjoy your blog and beautiful photos.
    Though I've not been to Portugal, I like traveling Europe.
    I want to go some day.

  2. Your photography is interesting, it tells a story of your travels. Thank you for visiting my blog

  3. Hello, I visited your blog because you visited mine. I liked your blog, because there are lots of lots of pictures. Unfortunately I didn't understand the text in the pictures. Great work, keep going (:

  4. Great to glance on your blog. It's fascinating and i absolutely enjoy it. However, i began and drop french at the begining of my first semester at college in 2011 and this hamper me from understanding it better.
    Above all. I enjoy viewing your blog.
    Keep the fire burning.

  5. Gracias por visitar mi blog, añado el tuyo a mi lista de web de documentación, están muy bien las fotos.


  6. Oh wow. What a beautiful place.
    The sky is so blue and the clouds are amazing, not to meantion the beautiful artwork and houses.
    Thank you visiting my blog and for the invite to your blog, I'll sure keep an eye out for your blog in the future.
    Regards from Iceland
    -Miss Bates

  7. Paulo, Thank you for venturing over to the Multiplying Molitors. I have found your photos to be quite interesting. While I have never been to Portugal, there is a large population of immigrants from the Azores in our country, Bermuda, and we've found the culture to be lovely. Who is John of God? Is he a saint?

    Best of luck in your adventures!

    Amy from Bermuda

  8. Olá,

    Ótimo blog, posts esclarecedores sobre lugares interessantíssimos!

    Obrigada pela visita ao meu blog (=

    Abraços do Brasil!!!

  9. Hi! Thanks for visiting my Blog and thanks also for providing a link to your own Blog. I used the translation server to translate the language you use, I'm very impressed and you got some very good photos in there. I see you travel a lot! Wish I could join you sometime!

  10. Caro irmão, fico grato por ter convidado a passear pelo este mundo fascinante que vc criou e que faz as pessoas chegarem a lugares onde nunca chegaram...

    sou editor do guineletras.blogspot.com

    Amo seu trabalho e muita força.

    Ussumane Grifom Camará

  11. Hi, thanks for visiting my blog! I've never been to Portugal but my great-grandmother was half Portuguese-half Hawaiian so I found it especially intriguing looking through your beautiful photography.

  12. Bravo pour toutes ces belles photos, il y a de quoi valoriser tous ces magnifiques photos par le scrapbooking, européen et américain.
    Merci de votre visite sur mon blog, j'ai tout particulièrement apprécié votre commentaire.
